Attempts by "like-minded" Western allies to strengthen the global system will have limited impact if their aim is to assert liberal values rather than shape a new order.
The new president will have to “detrumpify” or depoliticize the bureaucracy to restore sobriety, professionalism and expertise to the conduct of foreign policy
The pitfalls of a US Indo-Pacific strategy
The US is pushing a democratic values-driven foreign-policy strategy that it hopes can make multilateralism work again.
Supply-chain strains must be addressed with urgent action, but this will require the collaboration of various parties whose values may not align.
Japan’s longest-serving PM underscored the importance of “cultivating one’s own garden” to bolster international credibility, effectiveness and leadership.
What it was like to go from a place with among the most stringent social-distancing regimes in the world to countries where people have put the pandemic behind them.
Alejandro Reyes of the Asia Global Institute argues that China and the US can move towards a competitive and cooperative working rivalry
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