Daniel Wang and Matthew Finestone


Daniel Wang is the founder and CEO, and Matthew Finestone is the business development director at Loopring, a blockchain research organization focused on decentralized trading protocols. The open-sourced Loopring protocol provides a fundamental building block for exchanges and can be integrated into blockchain applications that may need to manage multiple tokens. Loopring uses a combination of off-chain order messaging and on-chain settlement to ensure users maintain custody of their tokens.

Articles by Daniel Wang and Matthew Finestone


Stablecoins: The First Blockchain Consumer Product

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies in 2018—which saw the most widely traded cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, plunge from US$10,166 in January to US$3690 in December—made even the most bullish traders recoil from their terminals. However, one sub-sector of the nascent asset class defied the trend: stablecoins.