Chris Stowers

Chris Stowers


Chris Stowers is a professional photographer and writer, based in Taiwan, from where he travels to cover news events and feature stories across Asia and the Middle East. He specializes in architecture and portraits and is represented by the prestigious Panos Pictures Photo Agency in London. His work has appeared in most major international publications including Newsweek, Time, Forbes, The Economist, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Le Monde, The Independent, Businessweek and National Geographic Traveler. He has shot photos for many Insight Guides and Dorling Kindersley (DK) travel guidebooks. He is a co-author of Travel Photography: How to Take Striking Images produced by Insight Guides. His series of autobiographical travel adventures is being published by Earnshaw Books, with the first installment Bugis Nights released in July 2023.

Articles by Chris Stowers

Population & Society

The Mindful Traveler: Analog Journeys in a Digital World

Monday, June 26, 2023

The transition from analog to digital has led to changes in travel habits and expectations – Emptying your mind so as to soak up random experience now borders on heresy